Disney Cruise




BadShoe goes on a Cruise!

I wasn't real sure about cruising but...
what can I say I got sucked into it!

No sooner than we found the bar did we also meet a bunch of other people form the DIS.
OK we planned on meeting there.... so the bartender could take our picture.
(That is my story and I am sticking to it.)

Blair was all about the cast off party - he was shooting bubbles with my Zurg blaster.


Okay I am not staying that the cruise is all about eating
I am just saying they help pack it in.

I still don't know what they found in that cone!

Delaney had a little ice cream her and there.

Delaney met another girl named Delaney

..and one named Daisy.


Kelley and Delaney watched the Ocean float by.

I found a can of WD40.
I got to think it would fall off in any kind of weather.

Look who I found on the screen computer cafe!

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