Castaway Cay

I tried to rent a sail boat, they said it was windy and I should come back when it was calm.
What am I missing here? Why would I want to sail with no wind? Seriously isn't wind the point?

Kelley did a self portrait on the beach

Mom found a place to lounge.

A little Mouse works.

Is it my imagination or did the same guy who rents sail boats
get put in charge of swimming too?


Back Aboard

Gyorge one of our waiters wanted to get on BadShoe.


I think the Ship did too!

The kids disappeared in here.

Blair spent his time there practicing up to win some pins at WWTBAM-PI at MGM


...or maybe playing with some of this other stuff.

Where's Zurg!

Ok there were toys for grown ups to play with too.

and play rooms.

Why is there sun tan lotion at the bar?