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Hi! I'm Delaney Dunlap

I am type 1 diabetic. So is my brother Connor and about 3 million other Americans.

I would love cure. So would my brother and the millions of others with type 1. So my family is joining the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundations walk for a cure.

We would love you to walk with us or support those walking.

Love Ya - Mean It! is our team's theme for this year's walk .

For everyone who graciously gives support to someone walking,
Love Ya - Mean It

To the good folks walking with JDRF,
Love Ya - Mean It

All you kids and adults with living with type 1,
Love Ya - Mean It

The walk is Sunday October 28, 2007 in Tyler State Park in Bucks County. 

This is us with about two weeks worth of our testing supplies. Look at all those sharp thing we poke ourselves with - talk about a pain in the butt - literally.

The blue and pink puck like things are insulin pump infusion sets, IVs. We each stick ourselves with a new one of these things about 200 times a year. That's a lot better than 1,500 shots a year we would be getting without our insulin pumps. But all that is nothing compared to finger sticks. Dad says think of it as only a finger prick. Love Ya, Mean It, Dad, but the dozen or so blood tests we do every day total well over 4,000 a year, for each of us.

There is hope. Scientists are working towards a better understanding of Juvenile Diabetes. They believe there can be a cure in our life time.

We are only two kids. Roughly one kid in 450 is type 1. That is a lot of type 1 kids. We all try to be just normal kids but it would be a lot easier with a cure that did away all the poking holes in our fingers.

We would love you and your family to join us at the walk. It is easy and fun. You sign up to walk with our team and get friends and family to support you as a walker. The best part is walking with a bunch of others all there for a cure.

You can join our walk by clicking here.

You can support our walk by clicking here.

Love Ya Mean It





LY/MI Stands for Love Ya Mean It


That some thing a very good friend of my Mom's says when she finds something funny usually involving some strange action by one of her family. Sometime we need to find something funny too, likes say after finger pokes. You may need a little Love Ya / Mean It in your life too. Our pin is just the thing to remind you to find the humor in it and all proceeds go to our support our walk.


Click here to find out how you can get one or more.


Here is last years Walk Team in Center City.