Tina & Craig - CHOPTina & Craig are our CHOP diabetes team. Nurse/Coach and Doctor. They as great at customer care as the very best of Disney's celebrated customer service. Recognizing great service is what Thank Shoe is all about so here is the story. We got to know Tina and Craig with Connor. They got to know us and coached our diabetes management skills. Good thing too because when Delaney came down with type 1 diabetes too, it was Tina & Craig who worked with us to keep Delaney out of a hospital and in the Theme parks. In the theme parks? Exactly, consider who's web site your on. They obviously have their priorities straight. You see we were on vacation in Disney World. It was Christmas time and our first day in Orlando. I had just driven through the Giant Disney parking tool booth heading to a restaurant, blasting Jimmy Hendrix on the radio unaware that I had Connors insulin needle on my ear. Now for a variety of reason I don’t put a needle in my pants pocket.
These are all good reason why I carry the needle on my ear, like a pencil. Sick humor but I thought was a riot to be driving abound with a needle on my ear, listening to Hendrix, at Disney. I found it so amusing I couldn’t even say 'Jimmy Hendrix' when relating the story with our teenager, Kelley, in the restaurant lobby. She wasn't too impressed by my tale but thought my speech impediment was hysterical. Can you trade teenagers in when they get to smart? Delaney came back from yet another pit stop and Kelley was still mocking me. Delaney enjoys mocking me as much as any of the kids (brats) but she was still a little mellow and eased up on me uncharacteristically early, must have be an early Christmas present. She curled up on my lap, kinda strange for a kid first day in Disney, ya think she would be bouncing off the walls. Man this kid is skinny. At dinner, Delaney was drinking chocolate milk almost as fast they could bring it (And visiting the restroom just as regularly.) She needed another refill. Bobby Joe our waiter brought a half a jug. Delaney was thrilled. Funny she didn’t get jazzed by the sugar, quite the opposite she didn’t even want dessert. (Click on the picture and look this stuff is 25 carbs a cup.) Back at the hotel Connor was doing Bobby the waiter imitations. I was planning the morning with the kids. Delaney was still not feeling right and Kimball put the pieces together.
She got out Connors backup blood glucose meter and tested Delaney’s glucose level. The meter goes up to 600. Normal is 100. Delaney was HI. That means over 600. She had slight to moderate ketones. Later in the week we tested a glass of Coke. It was over 600 too. Beer was 35. Diet coke got an error. So she is way sweeter than beer, (literally as well as figuratively.) She's also type 1 diabetic. She wasn't too bad yet but if a few days will be. Good thing I have two ears, I’ll need’m for needles - We have another diabetic kid. That counted as an unexpected trip twist. At midnight I tried to call Children's
Hospital diabetes hot line. It was Sunday late. Delaney wasn’t a patient and
they couldn’t give me anyone. Well it was a long shot.
Been there done that. Not a good time.
Go to EPCOT. We rode Test Track - It is Delaney's favorite. Our family Dr. called back. Bummer, he was taking the line that we should go to the local hospital if we thought Delaney needed treatment. Expected but still the wrong answer. We rode Ellen’s Energy Dream. I enjoyed it at the NY World’s Fair in ‘64 when it wasn’t called Ellen’s Dream. I like Small World then too, still do. I was about Delaney’s age at NY Worlds Fair. I was a space cadet on Ellen’s Energy Dream. Wonder why? Shortly after we woke up from Ellen's
Dream, I got a call from Tina, Connor’s diabetes nurse at CHOP. We have taken
Connor to see her a bunch of times so she knows us and our level of diabetes
management skills. We talk about the numbers, how Delaney was doing and what
symptoms she had and didn't have. We went off to other EPCOT attractions.
Sometime in this process we realized that we hadn’t given Connor any insulin in
the morning. Swift, real swift, we need suck it up and pay attention we got two
of these guys now. We went back to the hotel and got Connor fixed up. I was climbing the walls waiting to hear back. So rather than break the walls, I walked down to the bakery and see if they could give me information about the carbs in the snacks the kids like. The Bakery manager / head chef
Mustafa (I could have sworn I wrote a Thank Shoe page about him but can't find
it - better get that done) was very cool. He would calculate the carb. levels of anything the kids were
interested in. Now there is some wonderful personal service, that will also sell
more snacks. I had just started talking with him when Tina called back. Tina checked in daily. We got Delaney's blood levels into control before we left Disney World. When we got home we took Delaney down to meet Tina and Craig at CHOP. They said Delaney was kind of a local ledged as nobody at CHOP had heard of a kid being diagnosed type 1 and brought into control without being admitted. We said they were our heroes for making that possible by working with us to keep her from needing to be admitted. Delaney gave them both BadShoe.com pins. CHOP is the best for a reason. It is the same reason Disney is at the top. It isn't the fancy flashy equipment - it is the people. People who go out of there way to provide the best service they possibly can. Thank Shoe.