Porch Renovation


More Porch


Our front porch was a screened in but very drafty space. Our little house doesn't have a real entrance or a coat closet.

So we figured we would enclose the porch make an entry with a coat closet and a study / computer room. I/3 entry 2/ computer study room.

The first step is demolition. Demolition is fun.

Kim & Blair takes stuff apart. Here is the ceiling that hit me in the head, half of the loos insulation is there still. The other half I wore.

I was so proud, both the boys learned how to use a Sawsall. They didn't cut the door bell wires (I did.)

Hey wasn't there a door here?

The plan calls for a sloped ceiling to make it feel bigger.

OK we didn't take many putting it back together pictures but this is the new look.