Games & Stuff


Skuttle's Adventure
WWTBAM - Play It!
Celebrity Shoe Game
Epcot Tour Book
Regis & Kelly
Spring Break Training

Who Wants to Be a (cast) Member - Play It.
Multiple guess question and answer game based on Regis' old TV show.

Visit the Theme Parks Disney Parades, a tribute to our favorite ride Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin (with cheats!) and other park related stuff.)

Dunlap's Disney You are wondering what kind of a nut case would make Want be board to tears with our vacation slides without leaving the comfort of your own home? Look no further!

Disney Resorts Pictures and information on Disney resorts. Also our tips, trick and packing lists for visiting WDW.

Hyperlinks to other fun places on the web (with a heavy Disney concentration.) And links to my silly movies.



Our Epcot Tour Book
BadShoe's very own custom Epcot World Showcase Passport and Scrap Book.

Zurg's Trip Reports
The Evil Emperor Zurg's vacation journal.
The 2003/4 Trip Reports Index at the Lodge

The Celebrity Shoe Game! Bonus Celebrity Shoe!
BadShoe's original guess the Cast by their feet game.

Disney Test
Figure out what is missing form this photo of a Disney Landmark.

Photos from WDW for use as wallpaper.

Skuttle as Flat Stanley at a convention of Disney Lunatics
(Yes, in case you are wondering, we fit in just fine among the loonies.)

  1. Shuttle Home Page

  2. Scuttle II

  3. Scuttle Too

  4. Scuttle 2

  5. Scuttle Osborne Lights

  6. Skuttle @ Chef Mickey

  7. Skuttle MVMCP

  8. More Scuttle

  9. The J Files

 The Fendertones Back to the Beach Boys

New Guest Shoes

Guest Shoes & Outfit