Men's Fashion


Heels & Platforms


OK, now for some men's fashions!

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$2.99 flip flops is all this guy could afford after buying the family 
Park Hopper Passes! Bet he spends more on Band-Aids tonight.

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At first I thought these were just cheap water shoes but careful examination will spot the Disney logo on the heel. Nope the were expensive cheap water shoes. 

OK Guys and violations of sock etiquette next:

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Rule 1) Socks and Sandals - No.

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Rule 2) Never wear long black socks and shorts unless you are at the same time wearing a black and white stripped shirt, a whistle and you are officiating a game. (We'll all hate you then too but the fashion thing will be overlooked.)

And Finally in men's fashion:

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Can't you just smell these bad boys through your monitor right now?

Next heels, platforms and who knows what else?