was in the Snow White persona. She was wearing THE
DRESS. We needed to find Snow. She worked her charm on some Cast Members.
bounced, ran and jumped like any 3-year-old and in THE DRESS she twirled around
to spin the hem out. This was unbearable cute.
Delaney was a CM magnet. She attracted the attention of a Disney
photographer - some kind of a staff photo journalist
not one of those ever present souvenir photographers.
CM had a few grand worth of way cool Nikons and burned a lot of film of Delaney.
(Heather- If you're out there send us a copy!) A staff photographer knows what
is going on in the park such as who (a word that here means Snow White) will be
where. After all - her job is to take pictures of it all.
Delaney gave her some stickers, including a coveted sticker and
scored the definitive time and location of Snow's next appearance.
had a great visit. This was not the typical snapshot, sign, next character
Snow white was, of course very gracious. She fussed over
Delaney's dress. She Autographed Delaney's hat, with Delaney in it. Snow
and a gave Delaney a kiss on cheek.
than a quick picture, Snow White sat down spreading out her and insisted Delaney
should on her lap and so the same. They both looked great. Delaney proudly
wore a pink spot on her face for two days.
Here is Delaney as Cinderella
And Belle and Belle