Keep Blasting Zurg!You go through a worm hole or other warp in the space time continuum. Are targets in space after the worm hole? Maybe where the ships stop? Yeah! more points! Another Zurg Room. Blast! I have scored big in here. Listen to Buzz he'll tell you where to shoot. May not see the 'Z.' Use the force Luke. (Oops wrong movie) We are approaching re-entry. Not much time left. Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Spin before it's too late get one last shot.... You're head is spinning. What is that sign ahead? All to soon you re-enter. Star Command auto pilot takes over control of your ship. Buzz welcomes you back. You can focus, it is a score board. Look at your display how well did you do? Did you win bragging rights? Win the bet on who pays for dinner? Well it is out the door and back to Disney World. (The entrance to get back in line for Buzz is just to the left as you come out!)